Application Process
Talk to an Advisor
Where to start?
Our advisors can help you:
Returning to college can be an overwhelming process. At University Center we invite you to meet with our advisor who can help you navigate this complicated process.
For your convenience, you can schedule an appointment directly on our calendar.
Compare and contrast degree programs to help you determine which programs may be a good fit based on your academic and professional goals.
Determine if you are ready to transfer to one of our bachelor completion programs by reviewing your unofficial transcripts.
Identify whether a graduate certificate or full graduate program will serve your needs best.
Understand assessments that measure how your work and life experience can potentially count towards college-level credit.
Once you have narrowed down your options, our advisor will personally introduce you to the admissions representative for the programs of interest.
If you still have questions, you are welcome to meet with our University Center advisor as often as needed to help answer any questions.