EL CENTRO will collaborate with multiple community resource partners resulting in a uniquely combined and integrated manner so that a culture can be created for community schools to become vehicles for the cross-fertilization of ideas and catalysts for classroom and community change among teachers, students, and families. Program activities will align with the cultural traditions, histories, and wellsprings of these rich communities and will be a catalyst for increasing student engagement and achievement through classroom and community change among teachers, students, and families strengthening arts integration learning, STEAM, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
Program Objectives
The EL CENTRO programs will develop and implement the following:
A Systemic Culture of Collaboration
High-Quality Early Childhood Education Programs
High-Quality School and Out-of-School Time, Expanded & Enriched Programs, Strategies, and Learning Times
Supports for Children’s Transition from Pre-K to Kindergarten, to Elementary School, to Middle School, to High School to Post-Secondary Education and the Workforce.
Family and Community Engagement and Supports
Social, Health, Nutrition, and Mental Health Services & Supports
Grant Description
How Grant Funds Will be Used
This is a five-year (2024-2028) grant program serving approximately 1,682 students at five schools (student numbers may change based on annual enrollments).
EL CENTRO proposes both in-school and after-school programming, arranged by school staff. Example activities are arts integration, digital media integration, and project-based learning
Payment for teachers and teaching artists to participate in project Professional Development
Payment for partner contracts to deliver services in the schools
Supplies and materials for the program
Field trips and associated transportation costs
Salaries for Project staff such as Parent and Family Program Specialist, Parent Empowerment Specialists, Early Childhood Specialist, Academic Content (tutors) Liaisons, and Evaluators
Salaries for nine EL CENTRO staff members
Pipeline Services
The EL CENTRO programs will focus on the following pipeline services:
High Quality Integrated Expanded and Enriched Learning Time Programs and Strategies
Family and Community Engagement and Supports
Support for a Child's Transition from Pre-K to Kindergarten to Elementary School, from Elementary School to Middle School, from Middle School to High School, from High School into and through Post-Secondary Education and into the Workforce.
Social, Health, Nutrition and Mental Health Services Support
High Quality Early Childhood Education Programs