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Council of Member Institutions (CMI)

The Council of Member Institutions (CMI) is composed of institutional representatives appointed by the chief officer of each of the member institutions plus the College of Lake County. The CMI elects its chairperson, vice-chairperson, and representatives to serve on the Governing Board. Those elected to the Governing Board represent the CMI itself and not their individual colleges or universities. The slate of Governing Board candidates usually tries to achieve a balance of public university and private university representatives. They cannot serve on the Governing Board for more than three consecutive two-year terms. The Council considers a variety of matters including recommendations from various Center committees, and in turn advises and assists the Board in matters such as:


  • facilitating inter-institutional communication.

  • identifying needed instructional support facilities and services.

  • assessing local needs.

  • electing representatives to the Governing Board.


The CMI has significant responsibility for reviewing applications for membership and proposals to bring additional degree or certificate programs to the University Center. They make recommendations to the Governing Board about each program proposal or membership application and the Governing Board (or its Executive Committee) makes the final decision to approve or deny the applications/proposals. 


2022 CMI meeting date: November 10, 2022

  Council of Member Institutions (CMI) Members

Shayne Cofer, Chair, Associate Provost



Kathy Johnson, Vice-Chair, Regional Director, University Academic Programs & Services



​Ali O'Brien, Vice President of Community & Workforce Partnerships



Kathryn Wozniak, Assistant Provost for Innovation & Strategic Partnerships / Associate Professor of Educational Technology



Suzanne Depeder, Associate Vice President, Graduate and Adult Admission






Ron Smith, Director of Community College Partnerships



Marisa Buscaglia, Director of Enrollment



Trevor James, Associate Dean and Associate Professor/Director of the Business Program, School of Professional Studies



Julie Dunston, Director, School of Applied Engineering & Technology/Director, Technology Off Campus Degree Programs 



Elza Ibroscheva, Associate Provost & Professor, Mass Communications



​​Kelly Birky, Associate Director, Marketing & Strategic Communication, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

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